Global Youth Economics Opportunities Summit

The annual Global Youth Economic Opportunities (GYEO) Summit convenes more than 550 technical experts from 50+ countries committed to advancing the social and economic well-being of young people globally. Changemakers, innovators, and leading technical experts join the Summit to increase the impact, scale, and sustainability of youth economic opportunities programming, policies, and partnerships around the globe.

Nathan will be presenting on September 27

Building Awareness, Nurturing Skills and Closing the Confidence Gap: How to Help Young Women Join and Thrive in the Transportation Sector

September 27, Day 3 | 11:35am-12:35pm

Although transportation supplies 10-25% of jobs around the world, representation of women in the sector typically falls below 20%. Women are far less likely than men to work in each of the major transport modes – road/surface, rail, air, and maritime – and those with jobs tend to fill the few roles traditionally dominated by women. Young women are similarly scarce along career-paths in infrastructure design, construction, and maintenance; transportation technology; and logistics. This training will focus on the first two pillars of the Women in Transportation (WiT) Data Framework — Education and Entry into the Sector – as endorsed in 2015 by the Transportation Working Group of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Participants will first learn about the WiT Data Framework as a baseline for shifting the status quo. Then, they will be immersed in strategies, activities, and exercises for helping girls and young women join – and stay – in this vital sector.




September 25, 2018, 8:00 am - September 27, 2018, 5:00 pm


Washington D.C.

Organized by

YEO Network


Ann Katsiak

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Women's Economic Empowerment

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