Ann Katsiak is Vice President of Economic Engagement and Private Sector Development in the International Development team. She is an experienced Chief of Party and senior manager with more than 17 years of experience across regional trade, trade facilitation, women’s economic empowerment and digital economy issues. She has led efforts across Nathan’s portfolio to develop multi-stakeholder partnerships and lead policy discussions on issues related to private sector engagement, inclusion and digital transformation. As Vice President of Economic Engagement and Private Sector Development, she oversees a portfolio of more than 90 million.
Ms. Katsiak also serves as Chief of Party for the US Support to Economic Growth in Asia (US-SEGA) Project, one of Nathan’s largest USAID programs. For that program, she works closely with a range of government and private sector partners to develop policy programs related to regional trade and investment issues across APEC’s 21-member APEC economies to design and deliver a range of technical assistance across the region. She also oversees multifaceted efforts to support USAID missions across the Indo-Pacific region on economic growth and trade issues, including workforce development, digital economy and cybersecurity, and private sector engagement.
Ms. Katsiak has worked in Southeast Asia for more than a decade, while also bringing experience in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Her previous work at Nathan supported ASEAN integration and the establishment of the ASEAN Single Window, as well as contributing to a wide range of trade facilitation tools and trainings.