- April 27, 2012
April 27, 2012-Dr. Ram Tamara, Managing Director of Nathan India, will be speaking at the second international conference on competition law in New Delhi. The conference is sponsored by the Competition Law Bar Association (CLBA) of India. Nathan Associates Inc. is the ‘knowledge partner’ for this year’s conference.
The purpose of the conference is to influence competition law policy and jurisprudence by stimulating discussion among academics, researchers, policymakers, consultants, public and private practitioners, government officials, and students in related fields.
This year’s four-session program covers mergers and acquisitions, cartels, regulation of dominant players, and ‘decoding’ competition law. In Session III, Dr. Tamara will discuss how economic analysis is used in dominance cases.
Nathan India has been contributing steadily to economic understanding of competition in India. In 2010, Dr. Tamara spoke on the topic of cartels at a competition law conference sponsored by the Centre for Law and Economics of University College London. Since then he has commented in India’s press on the need for competition regulators to be credible to curb uncertainty and the need for more staff and better data to aid India?s Competition Commission in its regulatory mission.
On April 17, India’s Ministry of Civil Aviation announced that it will be reviewing Nathan India’s study of competition-inhibiting provisions in aviation sector regulations and recommendations for minimizing or eliminating barriers to competition. The recommendations cover matters handled by the Ministry, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), and Airports Authority of India (AAI).
Dr. Tamara is also frequently cited in the press and publishes articles on sports analytics, particularly the evolution of cricket in India, covering such diverse topics as economic incentives and player performance, the impact of shorter games, saturation in the sport market, and how economists think about sports.