Under USAID’s Support for Economic Analysis Development in Indonesia (SEADI) Project, Nathan supported the Government of Indonesia in improving laws, policies, regulations, and procedures or practices related to
- Nonbank financial institutions,
- Labor markets,
- Poverty reduction, and
- The environment for business, trade, and investment.
Our experts assisted the government on economic policies affecting economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction while building the capacity of institutions to analyze and formulate policy. Nathan, along with the Boston Institute for Developing Economies, worked with counterparts in the Ministry of Trade, National Development Planning Agency, Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency, and the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction on
- Improvements in the regulation of the nonbank financial sector,
- The use of models in analyzing the impact of economic policies on the poor, and
- The promotion of trade through trade agreements.
SEADI ended its technical assistance in Jakarta in October 2013 and is currently sponsoring graduate studies in the United States for 18 Indonesians. So far, eight scholars have completed masters degree courses and several others are in doctoral programs. Graduates will enhance capacity for economic analysis in Indonesia, providing invaluable skills for improving government functions and reform advocacy.
For more information about the SEADI project, please visit USAID’s project website.
Contact: Pooja Pokhrel, Chief of Party