Due to its unique geographical location, the Tehuantepec Isthmus has become a strategic area for logistical, transportation, and international commerce focused activities. The National Bank of Public Works BANOBRAS contracted the services of Nathan to provide technical assistance on the implementation of the development plan for the Tehuantepec Isthmus corridor and adjacent Special Economic Zones. The project sought to develop the logistical and transportation infrastructure as well as to promote the economic development of the region and the competitiveness of its agricultural, manufacturing, mining and fishery products, as well as tourism, through efficient access to the regional, national and international markets.
The study aimed to continue previous efforts that had been made at the state level to implement a development plan for the Isthmus Corridor and to promote Federal legislation to implement Special Economic Zones in adjacent regions. Nathan made technical visits to the Isthmus Region to assess the ports and logistics infrastructure and socioeconomic conditions and formed recommendations on investment needs in the short, medium, and long terms. In addition, the Nathan team provided advice to the Federal Government on the legal and regulatory framework for the Special Economic Law, which was then presented to the Senate.
Nathan also provided advice to the Government on market studies and the structure of master plans for the development of Special Economic Zones in four different States. The Government was considering developing SEZs in Coatzacoalcos, Salina Cruz, Puerto Chiapas, and Puerto Lázaro Cárdenas.