- February 14, 2012
January, 24, 2012-From August 19 to 25, 2012, economists and analysts will gather in Arlington, Virginia, to learn how to use the model and software of the Global Trade Analysis Project, or GTAP, to design, conduct, and analyze simulations of how an economy might react to changes in policy. The course is offered by Purdue University’s Center for Global Trade Analysis, in association with George Mason University’s School of Public Policy and Nathan Associates Inc., a member of the GTAP board since 2005 and the only member from the private sector.
GTAP is an international network of researchers and policymakers who conduct quantitative analysis of policy impacts using state-of-the-art databases, models, and methodologies. GTAP products include data, models, and other resources for multiregion applied general equilibrium analysis of economic issues. The GTAP database is highly consistent and covers all parts of the world and a multitude of sectors. The core GTAP model is a world computable general equilibrium (CGE) model that assumes perfect competition and constant returns to scale and that handles bilateral trade via the Armington assumption.
GTAP’s short courses on the theory and use of its model and software consist of lectures, lab assignments, and informal discussion. Trainees are introduced to a standard framework for analyzing policy in an applied general equilibrium setting, learn how to use GTAP software for global economic analysis, and confer directly with economists working on global trade and resource issues. In previous years, courses have been held in Argentina, Crete, Ethiopia, India, Thailand, and South Africa.
A number of Nathan Associates staff have strengthened their analytical skills through GTAP courses and use GTAP resources to provide clients with nuanced analysis of policy matters involving trade, trade negotiations, labor and unemployment, and tax administration.
The deadline for applying to this year?s course is February 29. For details on registration visit the GTAP website at https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/events/Short_Courses/2012/default.asp