• September 17, 2018
  • White Paper

The oil, gas, and petrochemicals sectors have a poor record at managing turnarounds. Consequently, turnarounds (TAR) have consistently hurt the bottom line due to escalating cost, lost revenue through facility shutdown, and introduced potential degradation to plant reliability. Poor turnaround performance is also a concern for significant personal and process safety, environmental and company reputational risks. There is a better way, accessible to all companies in this domain.

To deliver excellence in the TAR arena, every organization needs to address the strategy, planning and execution of key components to sustainably and competitively deliver TAR results. Using our extensive knowledge, experience and observations over 30+ years, we have distilled success down to four critical areas.

1. TAR Strategy
2. TAR Scope Management
3. Governance and Integrated TAR Team
4. External Reviews

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