The Inclusive Growth Programme (UNNATI) is in 7 districts in the Eastern Development Region (EDR). The programme focuses on providing support to the private sector, and is expected to strengthen market-based inclusive growth.
The overall objective of the programme is to promote inclusive growth that reduces poverty and to achieve this, the programme is built around three main components:
- The Value Chain Component focuses on providing support to the private sector across four value chains: cardamom, orthodox tea, ginger, and dairy.
- The infrastructure component has two focuses: a market infrastructure focus to add value in the selected value chains, and a transport focus that includes a transport system to provide reliable access and collection points, storage facilities, small irrigation systems, etc.
- The Enabling Environment Component, which is implemented by UNCDF.
During the Inception Phase, Nathan was responsible for developing a Value Chain Fund Operational Manual for the set-up of the UNNATI Value Chain Fund and to assist in the preparation of the first year work plan for the value chain component.
Nathan also provided value chain fund related technical assistance to the UNNATI team. More specifically, Nathan was responsible to:
- Develop a Value Chain Fund Operational Manual for the set-up of the UNNATI Value Chain Fund and use of it.
- Assist in the preparation of the first year workplan for the value chain component and provide value chain fund related technical assistance to the UNNATI team.
- Assesses the design, implementation and monitoring of the Value Chain Development Fund
- Identification of specific issues of the prioritized value chains-orthodox tea, ginger and diary-in relation to the set-up and use of the Value Chain Fund
- Design and develop a Value Chain Fund Operational Manual
- Assist in the preparation of the inception report, and the workplan for the value chain component
* Assist in the preparation of the 5 year value chain development plan - During Implementation phase, Nathan will provide inputs and quality assurance to the value chain component.
In addition, it will ensure that the value chain component is efficiently managed and implemented. During the implementation phase, Nathan is maintaining its VC technical advisory role including advice on the operational running of the challenge fund and annual work plans. Nathan also provides support on monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL).