AFI Forum

AFIForum 2019 is the inaugural edition of an annual gathering that will become the largest forum for the impact community and the financial sector in Asia. 

The forum is building partnerships with more than 50 leading development finance institutions and impact investors that seek to advance financial inclusion in Asia. AFIForum has the ambition to foster dialogue between investors and the financial sector to catalyze debt raising, equity investments, and technical assistance programs. It also combines a truly unique networking opportunity with an enticing and informative line-up of speakers to tackle the most relevant topics of the moment.

Nathan will be presenting the experience of the Bangladesh chapter in two sessions.

Plenary Session: Financing MSMEs- A catalyst for impact

On Day 1 of the Forum, we will take you through how financing MSMEs can be a catalyst for impact. Micro, small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the main drivers of growth for countries worldwide. Getting access to finance and using it effectively remains a constraint for MSMEs to grow. In this session, some of the leading global investors in MSME financing will take a critical look at the state of the market and propose strategies for scaling up high-impact initiatives. Some highlights include:

  • Trends in MSME financing in the region
  • How to enable growth for enterprises throughout the region?
  • What players are instrumental in growing a burgeoning MSME market?
Plenary Session: Disruptive Innovations and Trends in Asia’s Financial Markets

On Day 2 of the Forum, we look at the disruptive innovations and trends in Asia’s Financial Markets. Beyond the benefits of innovations, the session discussions will be around what innovation in finance or technology promises for financial inclusion. Some answers of key questions to look out for are:

  • How to shake up and wake up new markets or market segments?
  • Innovation from within or will start-ups be at the forefront?
  • Can we align the efforts of stakeholders?

Nathan Staff Attending

Mr. Feisal Hussain
Team Leader
Business Finance for the Poor Project in Bangladesh (BFP-B)

Mr. Muhymin Chowdhury
Deputy Challenge Fund Manager and DFS expert, Challenge Fund
Business Finance for the Poor Project in Bangladesh (BFP-B)

Ms. Tanzila Tajreen
Policy Coordinator and Advocacy Analyst, Policy and Advocacy
Business Finance for the Poor Project in Bangladesh (BFP-B)

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January 22, 2019, 9:00 am - January 23, 2019, 5:00 pm


The Amari Watergate, Bangkok

Organized by

Footlight International B.V.

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Financial Sector Development

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