Nathan Associates was one of two firms that implemented the Enterprise Benchmarking Program (EBP) for the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) of the World Bank. The program developed a model to benchmark the attractiveness of locations competing for investment in selected sectors.
When applied to a set of competing (often neighboring) countries, the model allows investment promotion agencies to show how their location compares to others. Agencies may also adjust the model with company-specific parameters. The model highlights aspects of the business environment that must be improved to make a sector more competitive.
As such, it can be a strategic tool for public policy and investment decisions. Sectors considered at the design stage included service sectors, such as hospitality and call centers, and manufacturing sectors, such as food and beverages.
Nathan Associates helped roll out the model in the Western Balkans in collaboration with MIGA’s European Investment Opportunity Program in Vienna. The model has also been implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa, China, and the Caribbean.