The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a part of the World Bank Group, commissioned an end-of program evaluation of the Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund (BICF), an 8 year fund with two halves of operation. The first which took place prior to the mid-term review focused on three pillars as objectives in achieving its goal of making Bangladesh a better place to do business: Better Business Regulation, Facilitate Private Investment, and Strengthen Institutional Capacity. Post a review in 2011, the focus shifted to Regulatory Simplification and Private Investment Generation. The study evaluates the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the program while also assessing whether the program is value for money or not. Nathan was responsible for handling the quantitative aspects of the study.
Specifically, the team was responsible for collecting quantitative data from secondary sources (previous BICF documents, World Bank data, etc.) as well as from primary sources through meetings with the various relevant stakeholders. The team used the collected data to undertake a quantitative assessment of the BICF including a cost-benefit analysis and a Value for Money (VfM) study. The team also provided support to Athena Infonomics in the report writing process.