Through the USAID-funded Export Promotion Program, the follow-on to the highly successful USAID/EXPRO project, Nathan is continuing to assist Salvadoran small and medium enterprises in increasing exports.
Our technical assistance is focused on
- Carrying out industry and market studies,
- Identifying commercial prospects through networks of consultants,
- Putting businesses into contact with import and distribution companies,
- Identifying export demands and market barriers in particular sectors, and
- Helping Salvadoran institutions organize and finance trade missions to countries with potential trade partners.
The technical team is working closely with the private sector, business associations and the governement of El Salvador to strengthen Salvadoran business capacity, increase sales and jobs, and expand access to appropriate technologies.
The two main goals of the project are to
(1) increase domestic and export sales by $35 million
(2) create 7,100 jobs through increased exports
Under USAID/EXPRO, which concluded in March of 2006, the project reported more than $42 million in exports of various products generated by direct technical assistance more than 100% of the total export objective of the project.
Under this follow-on project Nathan Associates is once again expecting to achieve extraordinary results in El Salvador.