In 2008, Big West of California sought Kern County’s approval to modernize its oil refinery in Bakersfield, California in order to increase the local production of clean fuels. The proposed project required the construction of new refining processing units and associated structures on the refinery’s property. Once modernized, the refinery would be able to produce higher volumes of clean fuels via a safe and environmentally superior method.
Big West engaged Nathan to measure the potential economic and fiscal impacts of the refinery modernization on the local community. The economic impact study determined that the modernization would provide significant economic and fiscal benefits to Kern County, California.
The study, which was submitted to the Kern County Board of Supervisors, found that the increased economic activity resulting from the construction and operations of the increased production of clean fuels would generate increased economic output, jobs, wages, and tax revenues to local governments. Nathan experts also testified before the County Board of Supervisors regarding his findings.
Ultimately, the Kern County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Big West’s plans to modernize the oil refinery.