Recent Publications and Resources

Graphic Nathan Associates

Intellectual Property and Developing Countries

This paper explores how technical assistance programs can increase developing countries’ protection of intellectual property and provides an overview of resources for those seeking to improve intellectual property systems and participate in international systems of protection ...
Graphic Nathan Associates

Informal Remittance Systems and Afghanistan

There are two bases for interest in informal money remittance systems: (1) their potential to assist in financial and economic development (2) the threat they pose because of their unregulated nature. In this paper we will review how informal remittance ...
Graphic Nathan Associates

Tax Revenue and Trade Liberalization: Frequently Asked Questions

Members of the World Trade Organization are debating how to approach tariff reductions. Many are seeking significant reductions in actual or applied tariff rates for agricultural and industrial goods. Similar discussions are occurring in regional and bilateral trade negotiations. Many ...
Graphic Nathan Associates

Trade Capacity Building and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Control

Economic growth and employment in many developing countries depends on the ability of agricultural producers to sell in foreign markets. Developing countries often require assistance in tapping markets, especially in understanding sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures and standards. In this ...
Graphic Nathan Associates

Rules of Origin

Rules of origin are used to determine the nationality of a product. A product’s raw materials or components might come from a number of countries, but customs officials must determine a single country of origin to decide how to treat ...
Graphic Nathan Associates

Morocco’s Technical Assistance Needs for Negotiating and Implementing a Free Trade Agreement with the United States

In this report we identify Morocco’s trade-related needs and prioritize them as part of a technical assistance strategy to be considered by the Government of Morocco, USAID and other U.S. government agencies, and other development donor organizations in Morocco. We ...