Nathan has a deep history in developing and applying sound economic analysis to assessments and solutions for clients, including corporations, trade associations, law firms, governments, non‐profit organizations and donor agencies. We continually refine our capabilities and skill sets to meet the expanding requirements of our clients.
Through the lens of economics, our experts focus on the scope and impact of policies, regulations, and interventions, across public and private interests. With deep trust in our analytic and economic expertise, clients rely on our comprehensive strategic frameworks for trade, fiscal, financial, and economic policy, regulatory assessment and compliance, and business planning.
Efficiently collected and accurately analyzed data can drive better strategic decisions. Nathan’s in-house experts use the latest statistical and econometric methods and software to uncover valuable information about trends, patterns, and relationships in data. Working in close collaboration with one another and our clients, we meticulously create databases and examine large and small datasets from different angles, gleaning insights that are not readily apparent. Nathan’s data analytics experts deliver make-or-break insights that drive high-impact results for our global clients.
Data Analytics
Effectively deploying limited resources for maximum impact is essential for optimal results. However, the challenge lies in accurately anticipating how a specific intervention will perform and evaluating whether it has produced the intended result. Nathan has the technical and management expertise to successfully navigate complex engagements. Working within strategic frameworks we tailor for each client, our experts identify key outcome variables, design surveys to collect data, and apply advanced econometric and statistical techniques to estimate impacts. We’ve provided hundreds of decision makers in governments and corporations around the world with the key insights to create more effective policies, projects, and economic development plans.
Impact Assessment
Decision makers need insight and understanding to create informed policies that will support a functioning private sector. With a holistic understanding of more than 125 country and regional environments, as well as deep experience collecting and analyzing data, we provide clients with the knowledge they need to make strategic decisions. Using a range of analytical tools, our in-house experts identify opportunities, anticipate challenges, and devise strategies, while taking into account regulatory and other bottlenecks that can impact efficiency, innovation, and competition. Our market analysis expertise allows us to design tailored, effective interventions that create opportunities for growth.
Market Studies
Effective regulations help markets work properly and protect consumer welfare and safety. However, regulatory overreach and improper regulations can weaken competition, protect inefficient and unsafe producers, and unfavorably impact consumer welfare. Nathan provides trade associations, companies, and regulators worldwide with an increased understanding of how existing and proposed regulations impact markets and consumers. Our experienced experts handle regulatory filings and submissions, draft new regulations, assist with the consultation process, and train and advise regulators on global best practices.
Regulatory Analysis
Ensuring accountability as well as optimal resource allocation and deployment requires effective results-based program management strategies. Nathan’s proven experts closely collaborate with decision-makers and one another to identify the impact and effectiveness of policies, strategies, and projects. Our clients rely on our insights to deploy limited resources, meet targets and goals, and incorporate lessons learned for better results. Nathan has conducted hundreds of impact assessments using a full range of survey design and implementation tools. We rigorously apply econometric techniques to primary and secondary data for actionable and context-specific management recommendations.
Results & Performance Measurement
Effective decision-making requires accurate, objective, and credible data. But often governments and corporations operate in high-stakes situations with insufficient information or resources to analyze an entire population. Nathan can help. Our experienced experts are well-grounded in all phases of qualitative and quantitative survey research, design, and analysis. With proven expertise in survey sampling and statistical and probability theories, we seamlessly fuse subject and survey competencies to ensure valid, reliable, and relevant application of data to real-world issues.
Survey Research & Design
The telecommunications industry is characterized by rapid product innovation, dynamic technological evolution, and multifaceted interdependencies of networks, service providers, content producers and end-users. We use research, analytics, and public policy analysis to provide the foresight and clarity that, executives, investors, legislators, and regulators need to make decisions.
Our services include: expert analysis and testimony in litigation and arbitration cases, development and analysis of regulatory policies, market definition and assessment of market power, transaction support, due diligence, business and asset valuation, radio spectrum regulation, demand analysis, pricing and costing.