July 7, 2006-After a decade of internal violence in Burundi, the Arusha agreement of 2000 put in motion a peace process that culminated in the free election of a new president in August 2005. But the new post-transition government has inherited an economy rife with problems.

After a decade of internal violence in Burundi, the Arusha agreement of 2000 put in motion a peace process that culminated in the free election of a new president in August 2005.

But the new post-transition government has inherited an economy rife with problems.

Under the Burundi ERFT Program, Nathan Associates has assessed the economic situation in Burundi and recommended ways to address the development problems and opportunities now facing the country.

Working closely with USAID/REDSO and the U.S. Embassy and USAID office in Bujumbura, Nathan Associates has

  • Researched and identified opportunities for economic growth, improved economic governance and anticorruption programming, and
  • Designed and implemented an information program to facilitate open discussion of these issues among government, civil society, and businesses.

The highlight of the program was a conference in Bujumbura May 22-24, 2006, on The Economy of Burundi: Managing the Transition, Building the Future. Attended by 130 people, the conference was a forum for presentation and vigorous discussion of the project reports and findings.

The conference was organized and run by Nathan Associates, and co-sponsored by Burundi’s Ministry of Planning and Reconstruction, under the sponsorship of USAID/REDSO.

Materiels de la conference/Conference




An assessment report and five working papers in French and English:

Reconstruction pour le développement du Burundi

Combattre la corruption et restaurer la responsabilité au Burundi

La gestion des finances publiques au Burundi

Vers un secteur privé inclusif au Burundi

Commentaires-Vers un secteur privé inclusif au Burundi

Burundi: Etendre le commerce extérieur et promouvoir l’investissement

La terre, l’environnement, l’emploi et les conflits au Burundi

Reconstruction for Development in Burundi (assessment report)

Expanding External Trade and Investment

Enabling an Inclusive Private Sector in Burundi

Fighting Corruption and Restoring Accountability in Burundi

Managing Public Finance in Burundi

The Link Between Land, Employment, Environment, and Conflict in Burundi


Combattre la Corruption

Etendre le commerce extérieur et promouvoir l’investissement

La gestion des finances publiques

La terre, l’environnement, l’emploi et les conflits au Burundi

Permettre un secteur privé inclusif

Reconstruction pour le développement du Burundi

Resume des discussions/Conference Summary and Notes

Resume des discussions

Summary of Conference
Notes on Conference

The Project Team

Salvatore Schiavo-Campo, Team Leader for the project, wrote the assessment report and the technical papers on corruption and accountability, and on managing public finance. Déo Banderembako wrote the report on land, employment, environment and conflict; coordinated field activities; and provided field support for the whole team.

Grant Taplin wrote the report on trade and investment, and Martin Webber wrote the report on private sector development. Bruce Bolnick managed the project, with the help of Julia Zislin and Alledia Clarke.

For more information on this project, contact the Project Director Bruce Bolnick, at

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